the Video Package:
“Catch a kite and you catch a wish! Nobody knows that better than
Skywishes and Twinkle Twirl. But today’s wish is a big one—an
extra-special big one!”
“You see, it’s the day of the most exciting celebration of the
year—the Friendship Ball! But when Twinkle Twirl decides to stage a
special dance starring all of her friends, the new dance gets a
little complicated. Actually, it gets a LOT complicated, and it goes
right over everyone’s head!”
Skywishes knows just what to do. She’ll catch a kite and make an
extra-special wish, and then everything will be just perfect. But
it’s not quite so easy to catch a kite, and even when you do, an
extra-special wish needs some extra-special help...from a magical
new friend with wings!”
Starring: Skywishes, Twinkle Twirl, Fizzy Pop, Coconut Cream,
Scooter Sprite, Desert Rose, Loop-De-La, Forsythia, Gem Blossom,
Valenshy, Starbeam, Seaspray, the extra-special Star Catcher and